The kerala womens commission member KA Thulasi has informed that. The media monitoring cell of kerala vanitha commission has been closely watching the programme in Surya TV named Malayali House. The action has been taken after several complaints about the programme has been raised by people from all walks of life especially from the students. All the vanitha commission members has seen the program and reported their reviews with the commission. Last week the kerala vanitha commission has send a letter to the production team of malayali house based on the enormous number of complaints they have received and production has told that they will be making necessary changes in the content of the program if it hurts people in some way or the other.
About Malayali House
Popular stars from the Malayalam Television and Film Fraternity would be the residents of the Malayalee House like Akkshitha, Bindhu Varapuzha, Chitra Iyer, Dallu Krishna Das, Narayanan Kutty, Neena Kurup, G S Pradeep, Rahul Eshwar, Rosin Jolly, Sandeep Menon, Santhosh Pandit, Shasha, Sindhu Joy, Sneha Eshwar, Sojan Josheph, Thinkal Bhal. The resident who manages to balance life within the space provided and will win the series ‘Malayalee house’. ‘Malayalee House’ has started telecasting from 5th May 2013 onwards
Official website of Malayali House in Soorya TV –