The movie tells the story of 3 police officer who came to known in the fake name as Mumbai Police. The story of the movie is written by Boby Sanjay and directed by Roshan Andrews. The major 3 characters in the movie named Antony Moses, Aryan John Jacob and Farhan Aman is played by Prithviraj, Jayasurya and Rahman. The story of the movie is based on the unexpected incidents which happens for the above said characters. The movie is a golden feather in the cap of Boby Sanjay and Roshan Andews Team.
The malayalam movie Mumbai Police is produced by Nisad Haneefa, choreographed by R Divakar and background music scored by Gopi Sundar.
The script of movie is the subsequent movie of Bobby Sanjay team after the sucessful movie Ayalum Njanum Thammil. The team has been suceesful in creating a script with real to life sequences and the audience of the movie has recognized their talents in script writing. The base of the film is unique script which is not discussed in any film in malayalam film industry.