Surcharge of about 20 ps per unit for 6 months
Inorder to improve the financial situation of Kerala State Electricty Board and cover the recent financial liability raised due to purchase of thermal power a surcharge will be levied. The extra charge will be levied for 6 months starting from coming month of April. The Electricity regulatory commission has given positive nod for this surcharge where in all types of consumers comes under the purview. The government has to be decide whether any discount has to be given for consumers with regard to the increase in price. Currently Electricity Board is charging an amount of 25ps per unit for those who are using more than 120 units per month. The timeframe for currently livied surchage will end on 31st of March, 2012. The new surcharge will be in effect once the timeframe for the currently levied surcharge is over. It is expected that about 161 crores of additional income will be generated for Electricity Board when the new surchage will be in effect.